About the project
Scale is a social media dashboard that will provide both entrepreneurs and business owners the ability to view and handle all their social media activities.
My role on the project
In this project, I was the main designer and my role involved the research, iterations, final high fidelity screens, a full prototype, and a landing page. I also partnered with a Director of UX for additional processes, research avenues, and feedback.
The problem
The problem is that It’s hard to measure all of your activities on social media, hence it would be hard to know if the actions you are taking towards your brand are successful.
This prototype shows the initial interaction as the user moves from the dashboard screen to the reports screen.
The final designs
After much consideration and planning,
the final screens have emerged to facilitate the features and needs of our designated users.
This is our opportunity to provide them with the tools and features they need to promote their brand in one convenient place. This dashboard will allow them the ability to monitor, view, and compare the results of all their social media activities.
Main takeaways
Through this project, I’ve learned how research plays such an important role as it leads to effective and successful product development. In addition, I’ve learned much about working with data, and how to apply the Design Sprint methodology to any startup or company, in order to facilitate good decision making that could give birth to new and exciting products.
Thanks for watching!
If you’d like to collaborate and work together on cool ideas, comment, or simply connect to say hi, please drop me a line at mduncanlane@gmail.com